Gaining muscle in your biceps or back can be done in a variety of ways, but dumbbells and barbells prove to be the better routes to go when looking to maximize growth. Yet, each serves these muscle groups in unique ways with their different forms and movements. As many gym enthusiasts know, not all movements are created equal, and the same can be said for the different kinds of gym equipment.

When it comes to the biceps and back muscles, many gym goers can feel a bit stuck between dumbbells and barbells, more specifically. Let’s explore how these two types of weights provide different results for the back and biceps, while also looking at some exercise options for these muscle groups.

What is a Barbell?

What a barbell is, is also in its name! A barbell is a long metal bar with weighted plates on both sides, typically used for weightlifting and powerlifting. The bar itself (without weight plates) typically weighs 20kg, or about 45 pounds.


Incorporating a barbell into your workout is a great idea for the individual who is looking to:

  • Lift more, heavier weights
  • Activate full body during workouts
  • Increase core strength and stability
  • Track progress (you can do this by seeing how many weight plates you add or remove)
  • Get into powerlifting, either competitive or as a hobby

What Are Dumbbells?

Dumbbells, or free weights, are weights which are held in each hand. With dumbbells, you can use them in just one hand (for asymmetrical loading) or both to ensure equal weight on both sides. Dumbbells can be as light as 1 pound to as heavy as 80 pounds, and even more!


If working out with a dumbbell is more your speed, some of the benefits you’ll reap include:

  • Stronger range of motion
  • Muscle balance
  • Core strength and stability
  • Adaptability for different exercises
  • Unilateral training

Which Goes First, Back or Bicep?

Before we look into the relationship between barbells, dumbbells, bicep and back muscles, we need to answer a common question. That is, “which do I work first, the biceps or the back?” The answer to this question is slightly complex as everyone is different with unique goals and needs. But, many suggest working out those back muscles first since they’re a larger muscle group. It’s also smarter to work the back prior to the biceps because the biceps are smaller and easier to fatigue. But when you work the back, most likely you will be utilizing your biceps too, and you’ll want them ready to work too!

As a general rule of thumb, it’s best to do larger muscles/muscle groups first and then do smaller ones. You need more energy to work larger groups, so do those at the beginning when you’re the least fatigued.

Group fitness with barbell

Back Muscle Gain

The back muscles are made up beyond just one muscle. In fact, your back is made up of 6 other muscle groups, which are all equally important to work. These muscles include:

  • The Lats (Latissimus dorsi)
  • Upper and lower traps (Trapezius)
  • Spinae erector
  • Rotator cuff
  • Teres major

When working out your back muscles, it’s important to make sure that you’re being mindful of the individual muscles too! This can trigger the mind body connection, but also helps you to get optimal results with muscle gain.

Back muscles can be gained with both dumbbell and barbells. However, there is one type of weight that is more ideal to truly maximize this muscle group. Barbells seem to be a better option of the two when looking to gain back muscle. This is most likely due to the fact that you can increase the weight plates on barbells steadily and consistently. Barbell deadlifts help to activate all the muscles in the back from traps and lower back.

Yet, some individuals may work better with dumbbells to gain back muscle, especially if they need certain modifications due to any back issues. Dumbbells can still give you the back muscles you’re looking for, but barbells speed up the process due to the heavier plates.

Barbell Exercises and Movements for Back Muscles

If a barbell is your ideal selection to work your back muscles, there are a variety of exercises and movements to help grow back muscles. Some of the more common barbell exercises for back muscles include:

  • Bent barbell row with reverse grip
  • T-bar row with handle
  • Barbell upright row
  • Deadlift

Dumbbell Exercises and Movements for Back Muscles

On the other hand, dumbbell exercises can also help to activate your back muscles. If dumbbells are more your speed, here are some movements to maximize back muscles:

  • Reverse fly
  • Shoulder press
  • Upright row
  • Bird dog row

Bicep Muscle Gain

The bicep muscles are also made up of unique and individual muscles that are just as important as the whole! Bicep muscles include the:

  • Brachialis
  • Long head
  • Short head

Similar to the back, it’s beneficial to work each muscle group within the bicep. This creates equal muscle strength and overall muscle gain!

With bicep muscle gain, both dumbbells and barbells can help to get the results you’re looking for. But, similar to back muscles, barbells will put your biceps into hypertrophy, with the help of heavier weights consistently. Dumbbells can still tone and build bicep muscle, but it may not be as extreme as the barbell will.

Another popular selection, outside of dumbbells and barbells, for bicep growth are EZ bars. They’re similar to a barbell, just with a w shaped bar. EZ bars put the arms at an ideal position to target both the long head with a narrow grip and the short head with a wide grip.

Again, your selection of either a dumbbell or barbell for bicep muscles will come down to your goals and if you need any certain modifications.

Barbell Exercises and Movements for Biceps

For biceps, barbells can be just the right selection when looking to see results sooner, especially when approached the right way. Some tried and true barbell exercises for biceps include:

  • Barbell curl
  • Spider curl
  • Reverse curl
  • Preacher curl

Dumbbell Exercise and Movements for Biceps

If a barbell seems too intimidating for you, then dumbbells will be your best friend when looking to maximize bicep muscles. Dumbbell exercises for biceps include:

  • Dumbbell, bent, row
  • Bicep hold
  • Dumbbell bicep curl
  • Concentration curl

How to Maximize Muscle Growth

Wanting to gain muscle is one of the most common goals for folks who attend the gym. Doing so can feel overwhelming as there are a lot of different tips and tricks buzzing around on how to gain muscle, and gain it fast. While some may be helpful and accurate, there are a few basic ways to maximize muscle growth, which include:


If you’re aiming for muscle growth, then protein should be your best friend. You’ll want to ensure you have the right nutrients you need so that you can have the energy you need to get the most of your workout. This also means it may be helpful to ease back on any processed foods or sugar! Consult with a nutritionist for more information and details, as each person requires different amounts of protein intake based on their weight.

At Carbon Performance, our skilled and knowledgeable personal trainers can also help to create a tailored diet plan or solution for you.


Your amount of activity is just as important as your amount of rest! Rest days and adequate sleep are crucial in allowing your body the time to recover from any strenuous workout. Rest allows the microtears in your muscles to heal and grow so that you can continue to give it your all come the next workout session. Make sure to aim for at least 8 hours of sleep per night.

Targeting Major Muscle Groups

You can really get the blood flowing with compound workouts as they work to activate all major muscle groups. This is helpful for the individual who may not be able to dedicate multiple days in a gym, but still wants to work each major muscle group. Regarding exercises, it is important that you want each exercise to provide a quality stretch and tension to ensure you’re activating your muscles. It is also helpful to add the “mind muscle connection” while working out. This means actively thinking, or concentrating, on the muscle you’re working for better form and focus.

Dedication and Time

Results truly show up when there is discipline and dedication. With any fitness goal, such as weight loss or muscle gain, it is crucial to stay consistent. For some folks, they benefit from having accountability partners to join alongside them in their fitness journeys. Others enjoy the communal benefit of group fitness where a coach and peers can keep one another on track towards their goals. Whichever goal you create, it may be helpful to consistently carve out time in the week to work out or create accountability with a partner or group of people!

Ideal Workout Schedule

Whether you’re new to the world of fitness, or have been an avid gym enthusiast for years, it’s always ideal to stick to a schedule. This could look like visiting your local gym 3 days a week, with sprinkling in those rest days. You can even get more specific with having 1 of those 3 days focused on the back, with the other day focused on biceps and arms. The last day can be your pick, maybe it’s just cardio or full body.

Sticking with a schedule will also help you reach your goals with dedication and consistency.

Above image of carbon performance gym

Group Fitness in Nashville, Tennessee

If you’re ready to get the blood pumping by working and growing your bicep and back muscles, then visit us at Carbon Performance in the Nashville, Tennessee area. With two locations, one in Franklin and one in the Nations, we offer top tier gym equipment with dedicated trainers and staff.

We offer group fitness classes such as Les Mills Body Bump and Yoga, just to name a few. And for a limited time you can experience all Carbon Performance has to offer with a free one day pass at our Franklin location! We will be waiting for you at Carbon, and look forward to helping you work towards a stronger and healthier YOU!